About Me

My name's Chris Meyer. I’m a content marketing consultant with a passion for the process and practice of storytelling.

I help early stage B2B tech companies build social proof and demonstrate the impact of their products and services  with case studies.

About Me

My name's Chris Meyer. I’m a content marketing consultant with a passion for the process and practice of customer storytelling.

I help B2B marketers use case studies to build authority and close more deals, on more channels.


The Problem with B2B Case Studies

Most B2B case studies cast your product as the hero and your customer as the side character.

This makes the case study:

  • Boring to read
  • Hard to promote more than once
  • No more valuable than a simple (much cheaper) testimonial

Yet salespeople are encouraged to use these case studies (they don't, or worse, they can't).

And marketers have to cobble together an email, blog, and LinkedIn post that's too broad and self-promotional to compel anyone to pay attention, let alone turn into a qualified lead.

To hit your sales and marketing goals, you need to pump out another case study, and another.

The trouble is you can't outwork this problem, at least not for long. So even a great writer won't help you solve this problem.

You need someone who understands not just how to write great case studies, but how to hook your readers. Someone who can help you and your sales team to promote, use, and reuse your successful customer experiences.

And that's what I do.

I'll guide you through a repeatable approach for transforming each interview with a successful customer into:

1. A written story (of course)
2. One month's worth of social media posts
3. An email newsletter
4. Up to six, 30-second audiograms

We'll work together to determine:

Message: What should your case study say about your product and brand?

Story: What information do we need to communicate your Message and tell a great Story?

Medium: How can we optimize this story for the channels it will be distributed in?

The Hook: How can we promote the same story in multiple ways without being repetitive?

When we're done, you'll end up with a case study that speaks to your prospect's pain and helps them visualize how you can help them be successful.

And you'll have an effective process for promoting your customer successes in all your sales and marketing channels.

Most importantly you'll have an asset that helps you build authority and close more deals, more quickly, on more channels.

Need help elevating and amplifying your case studies? Whether you're just starting to build your library of customer success stories or you want a fresh approach, I'd love to help.

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    “Chris weaves customer experiences into engaging narratives. He has a knack for making interviewees feel comfortable and asks the right questions, listens actively, and draws out stories that might otherwise go untold."
    - John Squires, Operations Manager, ShowMojo

    Wide shot of Chris Meyer

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    Learn how we can work together to tell your story.
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    Wide shot of Chris Meyer

    Want to know more?
    Learn how we can work together to tell your story.
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